Agricultural University Plovdiv

The Agricultural University (AU) was established in 1945. It is the only specialized state-funded university in Bulgaria in the area of agricultural and life sciences. The major structural units of the AU are the four faculties (Faculty of Agronomy, Faculty of Horticulture with Viticulture, Faculty of Plant Protection and Agroecology, Faculty of Economics) offering 20 undergraduate programs, 34 graduate programs and 28 postgraduate programs. The teaching process is organized in close collaboration with scientific investigations and practice for the efficient use of the resources. There are significant human resources at AU: 250 academic and 300 other staff.

New initiatives have been launched in the three major areas of activity: student training, research and internationalization, to lay the foundations of successful development in the future.

The AU research policy involves support and cooperation in the implementation of research programs and projects focused on knowledge-based enhancement of Bulgarian agricultural development, tourism, the country’s integration into the EU economic space and AU internationalization.

The key activities of AU are teaching and training of highly qualified specialists, upgrading the qualifications of specialists in the agricultural sector, preparation of professionals needed for the development of higher education, carrying out scientific, R&D activities and applying the results to agricultural science and practice, surveys, designing, consultancy, expertise and extension services and research, production, creative, sports and other activities related to the mission of AU.

The major research priorities at AU are genetic resources in plant and animal breeding, new technological decisions related to global climate changes, conservation of natural resources, the production of safe agricultural products, sustainable land-use systems and rural development and machinery and equipment for agricultural production and waste management.

AU web page

Role in the project:

AU will have the main responsibility in WP 2 – Joint framework for harmonization of PhD study program and development of the curricullum draft. WP2 will be jointly led by AU and UoM. AU will have its representatives in all WPs and will actively contribute to the activities in all WPs. As a project partner, AU will communicate with project’s coordinator, PI coordinators and WP coordinators in order to ensure that AU will actively participate in PhD students and staff mobility by accepting incoming students and staff to conduct a part of their investigation or enrol PhD course at particular department and also sending teachers and PhD students to partner institutions to conduct investigation, take courses or have a short term training at host institution.

Key staff involved in the project :

  1. Prof. Vili Harizanova, PhD Contact
  2. Prof. Radoslav Andreev, PhD Contact
  3. Assoc. prof. Atanaska Stoeva, PhD Contact
  4. As. prof. Melika Mohamedova, PhD Contact
  5. Prof. Svetoslav Bobev, DSc Contact
  6. Assoc. prof. Dimitryika Sakalieva, PhD Contact
  7. Assoc. prof. Yordanka Kartalska, PhD Contact
  8. Assoc. prof. Miroslav Tityanov, PhD
  9. Assoc. prof. Mladen Naydenov, PhD Contact
  10. Prof. Hristina Yancheva, PhD Contact
  11. Assist. prof. Maria Vitanova, PhD


  1. Martin Marinov, Contact
  2. Maria Hristozova