Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT), founded in 1951 is a public university composed of 310 teaching staff members and 250 personnel. There are approximately 14500 students enrolled. AUT consist of 5 faculties, structured in 21 constituent units. AUT is the unique centre for undergraduate and graduate studies, scientific research, training and extension in the area of agriculture, food and environment. The mission of the AUT is focused on the need for the change and transformation and the creation of real capacities worth to society.
In December 2016 the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the UK and Albanian reviewers appointed by PAAHE recommend to the Accreditation Council that at AUT the Albanian State Quality Standards are fully met. Actually, the university offers 62 study programs that are labour market orientated in all study cycles. AUT was a partner in 12 projects in framework of “Tempus IV” Programme, alongside with other Western and regional universities, projects which focus on the reform and consolidation of higher education in the Balkan countries. It is also partner in 3 projects funded by Erasmus + Programme. AUT has also experience in EU scientific projects (FP5, FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020 Programmes). For the academic year 2016/17, AUT has signed over 20 bilateral agreements with partner institutions from the Erasmus+ Programme countries (KA 1).
Project will be implemented by Faculty of Agriculture and Environment (FAE). FAE performs all the study cycles in the fields of agronomy such as: Agro-environment and Ecology, Horticulture and Plant Protection, Plant Genetic Improvement, Animal Husbandry etc.
Role in the project:
As the project participant, AUT will have the responsibility to jointly with AUA coordinate activities in WP 4 (Establishing of diagnostic and training hubs). AUT will also have representatives in all WPs and will actively contribute in all activities related to project implementation. AUT will communicate with coordinator and other PIs in order to ensure that AUT will actively participate in PhD students and staff mobility by sending teachers and PhD students to partner institutions to conduct investigation, take courses or have a short term training at host institution or by accepting incoming students and staff to conduct a part of their investigation or train AUT teachers or students.
Key staff involved in the project: