3rd meeting in Belgrade will bring together members of work packages 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. The task of WP 3 is to identify the needs for further research topics and methodologies on plant health for sustainable agriculture in each of the sub-group and to propose possible research topics and joint mentorship. To propose student and staff mobility to WP5 in order to ensure joint mentorship and intensify scientific cooperation among the partner scientists. The task of WP 4 and WP 5 is the selection of candidates. The tasks of WP 6 are to present six-month monitoring report and to create questionnaires for students and staff. The tasks of WP 8 are monitoring project implementation and coordinate overall project activities.
Conference program:
3rd meeting_Belgrade_Program.pdf
Attendance lists:
WP 3 materials:
WP 4 materials:
WP4_Establishment of Diagnostic and Training Hubs (DTHs)-EQUIPMENT SELECTION BELGRADE.pdf
WP 5 materials:
WP 6 materials: